
Is There Any Integrity Or Honesty Out There

How almost you? Do you ever lie? I know I don't. I just tell "white lies." I sometimes embellish the truth to make it extra amusing. Or make pleas for being late, forgetting an date, or some other edition of "my dog ate my assignment."

Retired Pandora Sterling Bead With Dangle Garnet,Retired Pandora Sterling Bead With Dangle Lapis,

Merriam-Webster tells us that honesty means a "firm adherence to a code of especially moral or masterly merits;" they also acquaint us that honesty is the primary synonym for integrity. Honesty is defined for "free from fraud or deception."

Sadly, this kind of fable is all too familiar. Self interest seems to trump "act what is right," tugging the earth into build up of the variety of "caveat emptor" considering that helped created the economy crisis that seems to permeate maximum of life these days.

While it is simple to look at either side of the political divide and watch considerable testify of self-serving deception, it's also pretty easy to look at day-to-day life in the fewer rarified airs that you and I most possible spend our period and find equally bothering signs of cracks in the integrity and honesty veneer.

Retired Pandora Sterling Bead With Dangle Quartz,

And it doesn't begin or stop with politics, business, banks or sales organizations either.

In the continuing spirit of diving into what separates us, I thought we might open the Pandora's carton of integrity and honesty this week. The debacle circling Shirley Sherrod provides a great background for starting to explore this critical aspect of human character.

When I asked them how this was going, the reaction was a bit startling. The COO said it was going great and that they would be disbursing out some hefty commissions this annual. He then worked on to mention that next year they arranged to pull the plug on these provocations, and drop back to sometime levels of compensation.

On the 1 hand, I suppose that sounds favor "business consist in ...." On the other, always these fashionable sales human were recruited with the promise of something that would be "manufacture guiding" and every was encouraged to provide heavily in the development of their territories out of their own pockets, beneath the insurance that they would be recompensed above the back end if successful.

What do you think?

Please do quit a annotate here or drop me an email and let me know how this strikes you.

When I asked the COO how he thought all this would play out when the compensation reverted to "natural," long behind these sales folks had invested personally to develop their relative zones, he replied that by then, the sales staff would have mini alternative yet to mallet approximately given the investment yet made.

That was ample as me to thank them for the chance and ebb beyond involvement.

Do you have kids? What do you conceive they are knowledge meantime watching "magnificent activity whether you tin get away with it?" What do you suppose they are learning when watching "racist" accusations fly and vocations smeared over someone that just didn't happen? What are they supposed apt learn while observing the playing field of "democracy" where our politicians tin bombard with anyone manner of prevaricate and deception as long as they "fair win?"

Over the elapse few months, I have been catching a look at what separates us, ranging from cynicism and reproof to the distinction between hearing to know and the growing epidemic of intolerance that seems to be the dominant form of speech these days.

It's a short post this week. I'm just concerned that conscientious, aboveboard and integral action are destined for the same sequel as buggy whips and teletypes.

And if I truly get on my soapbox, I can get pretty riled up just watching something as dumb as a sporting accident. How numerous times has a tennis antagonist clearly seen that the pellet was in while the umpire ruled it out, and simply shook on to play the next point? Or how about the "color commentator" in football or basket ball just aboutccer (or pick your amusement), who shows the slow motion replay of somebody being held or fouled merely to have the commentator increase something about "great play if you can get away with it?"

Recently, I was going with a corporate customer who was bent on restoring some of the luster to a previously stellar growth bend. The great recession-depression of the past two years had taken its toll on their revenues and the organization was desperate to get back on top. They hired a new harvest of seasoned sales executives and attempted them some beautiful offensive sales incentives for hitting lofty goals.

